银川伊布拉欣清真食品有限公司成立于2005年,公司位于银川市经纬创业园,生产区3000平方米,员工60余人,技术人员5名,公司拥有先进的生产加工设备,优异的清真牛羊肉生产加工工艺,具有将现代化包装和传统生产工艺相结合的独特优势。 公司成立以来,已成功开发并研制了“伊布拉欣”牌羊肉臊子、牛肉臊子、手抓羊肉、枸杞羊肉、枸杞牛肉、清炖羊肉、风味羊脖、风味羊杂等清真牛羊肉休闲方便食品系列,产品选用宁夏盐池产滩羊肉以及各种名贵调料,制造/精制自有工艺,使用传统工艺制作,真空包装,高温灭菌精制而成。 宁夏牛羊肉特别是产于盐池的宁夏滩羊,是羊肉中的上品,其肉质细腻、味道鲜美、无膻味、无污染、营养丰富、含多种氨基酸、蛋白质、经常食用可开胃健脾、散寒助阳、益肾补虚、具有很好的滋补、食疗、保健作用。“伊布拉欣”牌系列清真牛羊肉方便食品和休闲食品,具有携带方便、食用方便、卫生、味道鲜美、营养健康。突出民族特色、地方特色。产品除宁夏各大超市以外,已远销北京、天津、上海、深圳、成都、内蒙、青海、甘肃等市场。产品获得区内外消费者的一致好评。 公司成立以来已从单一的品种发展到目前十几个品种,二十几个规格的清真方便食品和休闲食品。在同类产品的市场占有率达到了70%。方便了广大回族群众的生活需求,解决了企业周边少数民族的就业问题。为我们宁夏清真牛羊肉深加工迈出了优先步,为光大民族产业做出了贡献。 公司2007年已“ISO9001:2000质量管理体系”、 “HACCP食品安全管理体系认证”。 被民委,财政部,人民银行定为“全国少数民族商品定点生产企业”。 2008年获宁夏首届文化旅游产品展示会“地特产品类银奖”获,“第二届银川旅游设技大赛金奖”。 被自治区民委授予“老百姓喜爱和信赖的宁夏知名清真品牌”。 伊布拉欣牌羊肉臊子被评为“宁夏品牌产品” 质量万里行授予“食品安全示范单位” Brief Introduction of the Company It is long history about Muslim food that as early as middle period of seven century, the merchants from Arab and Persia took halal food to China. Historical materials about ancient halal food are mostly rdcorded in the documents of Yuan Dynasty such as “Living Necessity’s Complete Works”, “Diet Survey” and “Tian Fang Ye Tan” etc. Halal food, as the key food of a palace banquet of all the past dynasties and of an important State dinner, plays a decisive role in Chinese food. In September 2005, in order to enhance and glorify the culture of Ningxia ethnic food, Guoqing, the celebrity of food area of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, with the investment of over2,000,000 yuan set up Ningxia Yinchuan Ibrahim Halal Food Ltd. Co., which covers the area of 3000 sq. meters as production district, has more than 50 employees, 5 technicians and possesses advanced processing manufacture installation ,first-class halal food production and processing techniques , as well as the unique advantage of combination of modern packing and traditional production technology. Since the company was founded, it has already researched and produced a series of Muslim meet with “Ibrahim” band and features of convenient carry, easy cooking, safe eating and fresh and delicious flavor, such as mutton broth for noodle, boiled lamb, wolfberry beef, gigot with brown sauce and local haggis etc, which displays the ethnic and local specialty and a further step towards special deeply processing Ningxia Muslim beef and mutton. Our company is pursuing“ Quality first, Reputation paramount ” as our purpose, “Unity, Innovation, Hardworking , Dedication” as our modern belief, and also striving for business benefits, social contribution and staff” s happiness in the largest scale. We sincerely provide Muslim beef and mutton with good quality, delicious flavor and variety for domestic and foreign customers and consumers. Yinchuan Ibrahim Halal Food Ltd. Co. sincerely welcomes friends, fraternity, agencies in and abroad to conduct, and consult with us and to seek for effective cooperation for promotion of the development of Ningxia hign-quality beed and mutton halal food industry.